Greed is not good

Confession: I am not the world’s best housewife. Housework does not interest me. Being house proud is not in my nature. I do the bare minimum to keep the family ticking over.
So when my husband told me he was proud of me this morning, I was dumbstruck.
Then he went on. He was in fact proud […]

Ashamed to be white

I’m reading a book at the moment that is making me ashamed to be British. No, it’s not about our national sporting achievements. Nor is it about our holidaymakers on the Costa del Sol.
Actually, to be more accurate, it makes me ashamed to be white. The book is ‘Blood River’ by Tim Butcher, charting the […]

Happy Holidays!

Now there’s a thought. Maybe this year.
Six weeks of unpredictable weather and limited resources with five kids for an introvert like me is a daunting challenge. Strangely, with only six school days to go, I feel unrealistically optimistic.
“It’s going to be great. We’re going to have such fun….discovering the great outdoors, enjoying each others’ company, […]

Bring on the beans!

I watched the news report on Monday about cows and their contribution to climate change with disbelief. Not disbelief that the Ten O’clock News had a report on flatulence. Nor disbelief that tents are erected around the cows to monitor their methane production. Not even disbelief that scientists are looking for the perfect grass mix […]

Strawberry fields forever

I know summer has finally arrived when I get round to going strawberry picking. I love the idea and look forward to it with great anticipation but usually only ever manage to turn up when the season is over and all that‘s left to pick is gooseberries.
Anyway, yesterday, my little girl and I managed to […]

The Football Factory

Every little boy wants to be a footballer when he grows up. Every parent wants their son to be a professional footballer. Don’t they?
I didn’t think I did until we were approached three years ago by a Sunderland AFC scout about our son. I can still remember how excited I was, what dreams I had, […]

Close Encounters

I wouldn’t have said I was much of an earth mother or a tree hugger, but communing with nature definitely does work wonders.
One of my cherished tadpoles has lost his tail and is now a frog. Imagine my joy. As if that wasn’t enough, I ate the first two ripe raspberries to appear. More joy.
I […]

Celebrating Diversity

Last night, I persuaded my husband and boys to watch “Crash” with me. The boys overcame their suspicion of any film that I recommend. (I have tested friendships many a time by coming out of a film raving about it while my companion has absolutely hated it….‘The Beach’ ….. ‘War of the Worlds’ ….. ‘Notes […]